DISCOVER! Everest, The Greatest Climbing Challenge

Every climber aims to climb the great Mount Everest in Nepal.

Regardless of whether you are a new or experienced climber, you surely train to be prepared to climb the great Mount Everest, that great challenge all climbing enthusiasts wish to face

Many consider climbing Mount Everest the peak challenge any climber may face, given the risks associated with it. In fact, the dangers are such that the Nepalese authorities have set a series of requirements hopeful climbers need to meet if they wish to climb Mount Everest:

One cold adventure

  • Must be between 18 and 75 years old. 
  • May only try the climb once they have proven they have climbed mountains over 6.500 meters tall. 
  • Any disabled person must climb along a caretaker. Only fully abled people will receive the permit. 

For a long time, the Mount was considered the highest in the world. However, in recent times, an inactive volcano in Mauna Kea was proven to be 10.200 meters high, of which 6.000 are underwater. Because of this, climbers have no interest in it, since only 4.000 meters of it can actually be climbed, keeping Everest as the biggest challenge.

The Everest is quite a challenge

If you wish to take the challenge to climb the tallest mountain in the world, we must remind you of the many risks you have to be willing to face to do this. Due to its height, oxygen tanks must be taken along, as death by oxygen deprivation is a real possibility.

There is also the latent risk of avalanches, phenomena that have already taken the lives of others who have risen to the challenge. 

You must also be aware of the fact that, should an accident occur at great height, it will be difficult for rescue workers to find you and take you to safety, as the harsh weather and strong winds difficult all rescue efforts.
