Marine plastics is affecting the environment
Plastic pollution in the oceans
Due to the plastic pollution in the oceans situation, a group of more than 100 NGOs has created an international movement to face the problem of plastic pollution. This movement pretends to raise awareness about the use of plastics, and promote actions to find a solution to this problem.
The NGOs movement is calling on the European Commission and the Member States to make policy changes in order to have an environment free from plastic pollution.
The movement works on a vision based on 10 principles. Some of them include:
- Reduce the amount of waste
- Promote community actions where citizens, government, experts and businessmen concern about the production and management of waste
- Reuse, repair and recycle necessary plastics products and packages
Parley for the Oceans is another movement dedicated to raising awareness about pollution in the oceans and promote projects to challenge brands to concern about the origin of their products.
Parley's goal is to recycle plastic through the use of ocean plastics in products for fashion and sports brands.
In collaboration with Parley, Adidas has created new footwear made from ocean plastics. This project is a way to redesign plastic waste and reduce it.
Hamilton Perkins is another brand that is working to reduce plastic pollution. It creates bags from recycled plastic bottles. Its founder says: "We don't just want to be a bag manufacturer, we want to be a problem-solver and when we see our bags around the world we know that we're solving problems around the world."
We should be more responsible with the products we buy and collaborate with actions that reduce the production of waste.
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