Nestor Chayelle: Global Warming: Serious Stuff

Nestor Chayelle: Global Warming
Nestor Chayelle: Global Warming
Global warming is of the main issues today that you could easily think of. There are for example people how would get the idea that global warming is just something natural that has to happen, but actually, there are things that you should consider in the sense that global warming is actually a human cause.

If there were more people doing things that should be corrected, this wouldn’t be such a serious problem. However, you can belong to the exceptional ones if you do the following a little more often, according to Nestor Chayelle:
Nestor Chayelle: Global Warming Affecting Animals
Nestor Chayelle: Global Warming Affecting Animals
Nestor Chayelle: Global warming is serious
Nestor Chayelle: Global Warming Is Serious
  • Consider that you have to recycle: by doing this, you will actually learn more things like the fact that you have to be more conscious of the global warming situation and you would of course consider your planet in a more humble and realistic way which would mean not to throw stuff away.
  • This is also important, don’t smoke: really, for your own body and for the planet. This is something that if you do, you will not regret and you will finally be able to help with this planet by not contaminating that much.
  • You will suffer the consequences if you don’t change the attitudes toward the planet. The reason? The planet would die faster. This would mean that you wouldn’t get the so desired and necessary watervegetables and even meat that you eat every day if you just keep your normal attitude and you keep watching television or playing games like if everything was just fine. It is pretty hard to say it like that, but it would be pretty harder to stay like that and do nothing which is of course what you are going to avoid from now on.
